Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How to repair Energy Saving Bulb | CFL repair process 100% working | Earn...

How to repair Energy Saving Bulb | CFL repair process 100% working | Earning From Learning

Repair the circuit board of CFL lamps very easily and save money. CFL means compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) or also called compact fluorescent light, energy-saving light and compact fluorescent tube light etc. You can earn money by repairing Energy Saver Lamp. This is the another earning methods at home.  Energy Saving Bulb mainly has three parts like:-
Cover Based House
Electronic Ballast
Spiral Lamp or Tube

মাত্র ৫ টাকায় কিভাবে এনার্জি সেভিংস বাল্ব মেরামত করবেন। ১০০% কাজের ভিডিও। সংগ্রহে রাখুন একদিন কাজে লাগতে পারে।

বাসায় বসে নাম মাত্র টাকা খরচ করে আপনার নষ্ট হওয়া এনার্জি সেভিংস বাল্ব মেরামত করে ৩০০ টাকা বাঁচাতে পারেবেন। ভিডিওটি একবার দেখুন কাজে লাগতে পারে। সাধারনত ছোট পিএফ বা ট্রানজিষ্টর বা ৪০০ ভোল্ট এর পিএফ নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। তবে টিউবটি নষ্ট হলে অন্য কোন পুরাতন বাল্বের টিউব সেট করেও মেরামত করা সম্ভব। আর পুরাতন বাল্ব যদি বাসায় থাকে তাহলে সংগ্রহে রাখুন একদিন কাজে লাগতে পারে।

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Earn money from traffic hurricane $ 2 Per Day

Earn money from traffic hurricane $ 2 per Day

How to earn money from traffic hurricane full bangla tutorial? This is traffic hurricane bangla tutorial help for earn money online 2017. you need 100 referrals including adpack or others.  Earn money via traffic hurricane ads and traffic hurricane best another PTC site 2017. Best PTC website make money fast and pay to Payza. Traffic hurricane Bangla Tutorial $2 per day and Traffic hurricane make money online very easily and before signup and invest please read about traffic hurricane details.

ঘরে বসে প্রতিদিন ২ ডলার আর্ন করা যায়। একেবারে ফ্রি একাউন্ট।

ঘরে বসে অতি সহজে প্রতিদিন কমপক্ষে 2 ডলার ইনকাম করা সম্ভব। তবে ইনভেষ্ট না করেই কিভাবে করা যায়? ভিডিও টি দেখুন ভাল লাগবে। সাইন আপ করার আগে অবশ্যই টার্মস পড়ে নিবেন। কারণ বর্তমানে অনেক পিটিসি সাইট পেমেন্ট করে না।.......

কাজেই ফ্রি একাউন্ট খুলে আয় করা শুরু করে দিন।

Friday, February 3, 2017

Calculate Date of Birth by calculator | First video of the World

Calculate Date of Birth by calculator | First video of the World

How to calculate date of birth by calculator? By using math trick and with a normal calculator calculate anyone's date of birth. This is Calculator Trick to Find DoB. So this is called calculator magic tricks. Trick to know date of birth by calculator. 8800, 70, 8870, No need to download any software or apps. Date calculation made easy with a calculator, dob calculator, age calculator, calculate my age, age checker, birthday year calculator, How to calculate Age from date of birth with normal calculator machine tricks?

যেকোন ক্যালকুলেটর দিয়ে বয়স হিসাব করুন অতি সহজে। মাত্র কয়েক সেকেন্ডেই বয়স বের করুন। দিন, মাস, বছর সহ বয়স বের করুন সাধারণ ক্যালকুলেটর দ্বারা। আমার মনে হয় ইন্টারনেট জগতে এটাই প্রথম কোন ভিডিও একবার দেখুন কাজে লাগতে পারে কোন একদিন।হয়ত এমটাই খুজতেছিলেন।

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mobile number tricks equation solve| Awesome Video of Calculator

Mobile number tricks equation
solve| Awesome Video of Calculator

is a great video for all students to know the equation about the magic of
general calculator. You can find anyone's mobile numbers very easily. So you
can say friend that I can guess your phone number. Just using math trick to
know mobile numbers who don’t want to Share for his/her personality. How to
find someone's mobile number this is the simple question and you can solve it
with impress any girl or boy using math trick by finding their mobile number.
The Phone Number 10 Digits can be the Magic Math tricks and Now you can find
your friends or anyone's mobile number. This Is Very Useful To Know anybody
Mobile Number or get 10 digit mobile number from anyone. So trace mobile number
by using interesting mathematical trick and this is the answer I will guess
your telephone number or cellular phone number or guess your cell number or magic
number. This is called Mobile number magic tricks to know anyone's mobile
number just see the video and get it easily. By using math trick finding mobile
number and Trick to get girls mobile number by awesome video of Calculator.
However this the Mobile number tricks equation solve.

যেকোন ব্যক্তির মোবাইল নম্বর বলে দিতে পারবেন, না দেখলে চরম মিস। 

Friday, January 13, 2017

How to get mobile number with calculator| mobile number tricks | earning...

How to get mobile number with calculator| mobile number tricks

By using math trick and with a normal calculator find anyone's mobile numbers who don’t want to Share. Find a mobile number with calculator. This is Calculator Trick to Find Your Phone Number. I can guess your phone number. Somebody ask me how to know any mobile number? This way you can get girls and boys and anyone’s mobile number easily. It is using math trick finding mobile number. So this is called mobile number magic tricks. Trick to know mobile numbers who don’t want to Share for his/her personality. 

using math trick finding mobile number,Trick to know anyone's mobile number,Mobile number magic tricks,how to find mobile number,How To Find Friends Mobile Number,Trick to get girls mobile number,

যেকোন ব্যাক্তির মোবাইল নম্বর বলে দিতে পারবেন, না দেখলে চরম মিস।

change the default font from calibri to SutonnyMJ

How to change the default font from calibri to SutonnyMJ in Microsoft Word 2010? 

This is basic computer skills from earning from learning. The default font of Microsoft Word 2010 and 2007 is 11 Size Calibri (Body) and Times New Roman 12 font Size. To set a new default font like SutonnyMJ Set As Default follow these steps below and see the video. bijoy bayanno bangla typing tutorial 2017 with Bijoy Bengali Printed Keyboard and after completing the setup Office 2010 set as default SutonnyMJ font for Microsoft Word.
1. Click the Ribbon
2. Click SutonnyMJ (from Font Tab)
3. Click Set As Default
4. Click the Radio Button (All Documents based on the Normal Template?)
5. Click OK
6. Click OK

Friday, December 30, 2016

Live train status Bangladesh | earning from learning

How to check live train status in Bangladesh? Or somebody ask how to check or how to find train running status or current location of running train? Just a simple step you can check train running status. Everybody can know current location status of a running train BD. Check the live or running train position or status via from your mobile phone. Live train status helps you to provide idea where the train now and what is the next station. Live train running status provides information such as arrival time, delay time, next station, next stop, train code, train name, station position and the train status.

Many Many thanks to Bangladesh Railway (BR) team who give us to knowing the live train running status from mobile phone just a simple method with short reply from 16318 and this is called train tracking system from any mobile or android phone.

Type the message box TR_(TrainCode)_16318 and get SMS Where the train now.
Visit the link and Get All Train Code:

Thanks for watching.